Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baking 'Ramadan Pide'si at home

One of the most characteristic foods of Ramadan, maybe the first one comes to mind, in Turkey is "Ramazan Pidesi", which is a kind of flat bread like pita but shaped differently and flavoured by sesame and nigella seeds. During Ramadan, there are ques in the bakeries to get freshly baked "pide" for iftar(fast-breaking meal). It's an exceptional pleasure to eat warm "pide" with some melting butter inside. I tried for the first time to bake this delicious bread at home. It also has an irresistable nice smell as much as its taste.

Here is the recipe:
2 tsp dried yeast
1/2 tspgranulated sugar
325ml water
500gr strong white flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
egg glaze with 1 egg and 1 tbsp water
2 tsp nigella seeds

Rising: 1 1/2 hours
Proving: 20 min
Oven temperature: 220 C
Baking: 15 min

1- Sprinkle the yeast and sugar into 125ml of the water in a bowl. Leave for 5 minutes, then to stir to dissolve.
2- Sift the flour and salt together in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in the yeasted water and the olive oil.
3- Mix in the flour. Stir in the remaining water, as needed, to form a firm but soft dough.
4- Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface. Knead until smooth, supple, and elastic, about 15 minutes. Initially, the dough will be quite stiff. It will soften and strech gradually as you continue kneading.
5- Put the dough in a clean, oiled bowl, turning it to coat evenly with the oil. Cover with a tea towel, then leave to rise until doubled in size, about 11/2.
6- Knock back, then leave to rest for 10 minutes. Divide into two equal-sized pieces. Roll each piece into a smooth ball. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out each piece of dough to form a round 25cm across, and 5 mm thick. Cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for 20 minutes.
7- Use the blunt edge of a knife to gently draw four parallel impressions across the top of each dough round, then four parallel impressions across the top of each dough round, then four more impressions across  the top in the opposite direction, to make a criss-cross pattern. Brush the rounds with the egg glaze.
8- Sprinkle the dough rounds evenly with nigella seeds, then place them on lightly floured baking sheets.
9- Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes until puffy and lightly coloured. Wrap the the breads immediately in a tea towel to keep the crusts soft and to prevent drying out.

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